Media freedom monitoring

Monitoring media freedom has been one of MISA Lesotho core activities since the organisation’s establishment in 1995.

To do this, we compile and publish accurate and detailed media violations and victories: that is, we record media freedom abuses as well as progress towards a free, independent, diverse and pluralistic media as envisaged by the Windhoek Declaration.

Media violations are issued in the form of alerts to educate people about the nature of the abuse and highlight trends. Alerts can also serve as advocacy tools and inform research to help influence changes to legislation and policy, as well as help bring perpetrators to justice.

Media violations include:

  • when journalists are physically or verbally assaulted, threatened, injured, kidnapped, disappear, arrested, killed, censored, denied credentials or wrongfully expelled during the course of their work or as a direct result of their work
  • when news outlets are attacked, illegally searched, censored, closed by force, raided, unable to report, broadcast or publish because of factors such as the confiscation of equipment, blocking of their online site or the jamming of transmissions
  • when new legislation or changes to legislation hinder journalists from conducting their work freely and without fear.


We use this information to compile the MISA regional report, So this is Democracy? which ranks and measures the performance of Lesotho against other countries in the Southern African region.

Media freedom monitoring news from our chapters

Basotho want media freedom

Basotho want media freedom

By Maleshoane Ratsebe Study shows more Basotho embrace media’s watchdog role over government A recent Afrobarometer survey reveals that more Basotho believe in the importance of freedom of the media, they even support the media’s watchdog role over the government -...

Boloetse warns media distractors

Boloetse warns media distractors

By Itumeleng Lekoatsa The Lesotho Chapter of Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA Lesotho) has issued a statement of concern over the recent legal actions instituted against some media houses for alleged defamation. The statement, dated February 28, 2024, is...

Escalating cases of harassment of journalists in Lesotho

Escalating cases of harassment of journalists in Lesotho

MISA Lesotho issues this statement to express our grave concern over the growing rate of harassment of journalists in Lesotho. The recent case of the 357FM’s Lebese Molati marks the peak at which media freedom is under threat imposed by those who wield power. Molati...