News and statements

Of basic journalism, social media and AI

Of basic journalism, social media and AI

• “The proposed digital journalism hub would work wonders for the journalists in Lesotho. It would even improve our investigative and research skills. MISA Lesotho should expedite the development of the hub, lest the spirit of core journalism in Lesotho dies,” – Billy Ntaote

Radio must be a platform for progress, not a kangaroo court

Radio must be a platform for progress, not a kangaroo court

World Radio Day is an international day celebrated annually on February 13th to recognise the importance of radio as a powerful medium for communication, education, and information. It was proclaimed in 2011 by UNESCO and later adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 2012 as an International Day.

‘Radio & Climate Change’

‘Radio & Climate Change’

Radio has the power to facilitate public opinion and set the agenda on climate change. Radio has also been found to be capable of playing the perception shaping function on climate change. It can create spaces for unpacking the various themes on climate change.

MISA Lesotho deepens capacity-building for community media

MISA Lesotho deepens capacity-building for community media

Mr Ntsukunyane said: “The idea of community radio can survive with sponsorship and donations as advertising has proven to be a problem for them. The latter factor is promoted by the fact that there is little or no business or economic activity taking place in the districts”.