News and statements
Statement against Commissioner of Police’s attempt to gag media
The media must operate without fear, retribution or censorship from government authorities. It is not the place of the police to dictate what constitutes acceptable content for media consumption.
Statement of Appreciation on progress to Reforms
MISA Lesotho firmly believes that these proposed amendments will contribute significantly to strengthening our democratic institutions, including the media, and safeguarding the rights and freedoms of all citizens.
Statement on Commemoration of the 31st Edition of World Press Freedom Day
The last year’s report shows that press freedom is fragile in Lesotho: “Abuses against journalists are not uncommon and the media lack independence.”
Basotho want media freedom
The study shows that more Basotho maintain that information in the hands of government authorities should be freely accessible to the citizens and not gate-kept by authorities.
MISA Lesotho turns to its veterans for survival
According to the chairperson, these are the people whose experience and knowledge could rescue MISA Lesotho from drowning.
MISA Lesotho members call for constitutional amendment
For MISA Lesotho to be effective enough, members argue its constitution should speak to the current trends in the media space.
Boloetse warns media distractors
“We wish to emphasise the urgent need to expedite national reforms aimed at establishing a Media Ombudsman tasked with mediating or adjudicating disputes between the media and the public, as well as intra-media ethical matters,”
MISA Lesotho Statement on Recent Legal Actions Against Media Outlets
It is MISA Lesotho’s steadfast belief that an independent and unfettered press is
indispensable to the functioning of a democratic society.
Celebrating 100 years of Radio
‘Radio: A century informing, entertaining and educating.’