News and statements
These are the ideals for which we are prepared to die
As MISA Lesotho’s Chairperson, I am committed to defending the principles of constitutionalism, the rule of law, and media freedom that lie at the heart of our democracy.
MISA Lesotho elects new Governing Council
I undertake and promise you that, working closely with the rest of the new members of the National Governing Council (NGC), as well as the Secretariat, I will take MISA Lesotho to the new hights,” Boloetse said, adding with words of heartfelt gratitude to his predecessor, Ts’oana.
MISA Lesotho hosts Media Literacy in Mohale’s Hoek
We have been driven by the need to impart knowledge, skills and attitudes for assessing and evaluating the vast volumes of information that come their way before they consume it,”
MISA Lesotho calls for Constitutional Amendment
The Institute wants review of Section 14 to include rights and freedoms of online users
MISA Lesotho Launches Election Reporting Pledge: Lesotho Elections 2022
The pledge, signed by the media practitioners who attended the launch, will be packaged and distributed to relevant media houses in an effort by MISA Lesotho and LCA to promote professional coverage and reporting during the elections.
Lesotho Elections 2022: MISA/LCA capacitate broadcasters on elections coverage
Mr Goolam warned the journalists against overexcitement during the elections hype, noting they must always report objectively.
Lesotho Elections 2022: DC unveils manifesto at MISA press club
MISA Lesotho intends to hold a series of press clubs hosting other political parties ahead of the elections.
Minister of Communications, Honourable Tsóinyana Rapapa Speech At Capacity Building Workshop For Political And Parliamentary Reporters Held At Palace Hotel, Berea On December 14, 2021
We should note that Political and parliamentary reporting is a specialized area of news reporting which requires maturity in reporting. This is an incredibly important time to be a journalist. Never has the watchdog role been important.
Parliament adopts National media policy
MISA Lesotho commends all stakeholders who worked tirelessly to ensure that today we celebrate this long-overdue milestone especially the government for eventually acceding to the will of the people of the industry and the National Reforms Authority for spearheading this final leg of the journey.